Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In the case of Casey Anthony...


Goes to show that society will never be completely satisfied. A jury or judge finds someone guilty and that is ok. The same find someone innocent and people raise Hell about it. Were you all in the court room, studying the evidence, and following the law? No…ya’ll were sitting on your ass watching the news on tv and updating your facebook pages with malicious threats to this woman. Let me remind you that it IS a crime to threaten someone’s life…and the evidence will NOT be hard to find after you publicly post it on a PUBLIC NETWORKING WEBSITE. Today I have seen people say they are going to beat her up if they see her in the street and that God will judge her when she dies and she better tell the truth then. Ya ok, that makes since…say God will judge her and in the same sentence convict her yourself. And what is obvious but I’m hoping will NOT happen is that something horrible is going to come to this woman and she could be completely innocent all because of what someone CHOSE to show us…little bits and pieces instead of the entire trial unless you want to add to your monthly bills in this economic crisis and buy TiVo or Sirius radio to watch or listen to the entire trial. Now not only has the child suffered, but the mother who was PROVEN INNOCENT might suffer at the hands of people who had no say so in the matter. The law system did not fail…the INFORMANT failed. I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit every time I saw someone write “justice was not served”. Everyone did everything by the books. Justice will be served once court hearings are not TELEVISED giving others in completely different areas of the world the right to criticize and harass the ASSUMED guilty.

People are now saying that the Casey Anthony trial was the most viewed Murder trial since O.J Simpson. Well OF COURSE since in 1995 we didn’t have as many options to view this type along with other types of media as in 2011. Had we had YouTube and 1,001 Satellite television channels back in 1892, Lizzie Borden, who had allegedly used a hatchet to murder both her father and stepmother and was aquitted of all charges, would be in the top viewed as well. Although, someone inform me, because I guess I don’t understand…how THIS murder, differs from other murders? What makes it any more horrific and painful for the families and friends of the victim than in other cases? Which is how we are now creating MORE reasons for Casey Anthony to $BENEFIT$ from being found innocent than just accepting the jury’s verdict and giving the CHILD the proper attention or NON publicized attention she deserves. That little girl deserves peace which is NEVER going to occur if this hate is going to continue.

We all have the right to our own opinion but sorry to say that we gave up our right to decided for ourselves a LONG time ago. We give a judge and/or jury the right to decide whether we have committed a crime, a police officer the right, as ONE individual, to decide whether we are driving correctly, a cps case worker the right to tell us if we are good enough parents, and teachers to decide if we are smart enough. We have people tell us who we go to, what we're supposed to do, where we go, why to do things, and how to do EVERYTHING. People put their emotions and opinions before the facts ultimately giving someone else the right to judge us. Someone who is paid to do so. Which sounds ridiculous when you list the numerous things people do for money.

Monday, June 27, 2011

We’re All A Little Homo

God this…God that! Uhmm…do you even go to church? Last I checked we as Americans had FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Who are you to say that God said only a man & woman could get married. If that’s the religion rule that your body. mind, and soul follows…that is YOUR RIGHT to believe that but by NO means should you be able to judge a person for THEIR beliefs! I am not a homosexual, gay, bi, lesbian…WHATEVER YOU CALL IT! Sure I have experimented like MOST people do within their lifetimes but are too ashamed to admit it, and I am straight. I feel that homosexuals should be ABLE to get married. Who the hell are you to say who can love who?

We have the “PLEDGE” that says ONE NATION UNDER GOD…then we have our American Constitution that gives us the right to choose whatever religion we may want to believe in. Then in court, where they LAY DOWN THE LAW they make you swear over a Holy Bible. America has a weird way of producing this “FREEDOM” that every country strives for so badly, risking their LIVES and IMPRISONMENT just to attempt to come here. Shouldn't we be flattered?

BORDERS BORDERS BORDERS! I say RACIST RACIST RACIST! Are you kidding me? You want better border security but all you ever hear about is keep the Mexicans out, keep the Middle Eastern Terrorists out. Yet if you go to New York all you hear is GREEK and ITALIANS. Go to Florida HAITIANS and CUBANS. Go to Utah…MORMONS…oh shit, did I say that? Not to mention there is a shit load of ASIAN population here! Their countries are already over-populated, now they come here to come to another over-populated country that tears down millions of acres of beautiful land to accommodate the amazingly fertile. And YA’LL want to take a Gay's right away to marriage? At least they won't be RECREATING. They be helping kids get out of foster homes and into REAL HOMES! Just because a person likes the same sex as himself, doesn't make him or her a bad parent.

I wonder if in the future America will try to pass a law that gives a Police Officer the right to ask detained if they are homosexuals too! Cause some more racial/sexist profiling while the man deciding our fate gets to Judge us as we roll down our window. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME (plus everyone else)?

People seriously need to make up their mind! First they don’t want the government getting in their PRIVATE lives, then they want to take away someone's AMERICAN RIGHT to freedom. I think I tend to use the word RIDICULOUS a lot while talking about stupid HOMOsapien’s. Ya’ll are RIDICULOUS! How about we just MIND OUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS! Maybe if the President didn't have to deal with all our idiotic requests he could actually get around to HELPING US like a President should be. No wonder Bush was an alcoholic! I would be too!