Monday, June 27, 2011

We’re All A Little Homo

God this…God that! Uhmm…do you even go to church? Last I checked we as Americans had FREEDOM OF RELIGION. Who are you to say that God said only a man & woman could get married. If that’s the religion rule that your body. mind, and soul follows…that is YOUR RIGHT to believe that but by NO means should you be able to judge a person for THEIR beliefs! I am not a homosexual, gay, bi, lesbian…WHATEVER YOU CALL IT! Sure I have experimented like MOST people do within their lifetimes but are too ashamed to admit it, and I am straight. I feel that homosexuals should be ABLE to get married. Who the hell are you to say who can love who?

We have the “PLEDGE” that says ONE NATION UNDER GOD…then we have our American Constitution that gives us the right to choose whatever religion we may want to believe in. Then in court, where they LAY DOWN THE LAW they make you swear over a Holy Bible. America has a weird way of producing this “FREEDOM” that every country strives for so badly, risking their LIVES and IMPRISONMENT just to attempt to come here. Shouldn't we be flattered?

BORDERS BORDERS BORDERS! I say RACIST RACIST RACIST! Are you kidding me? You want better border security but all you ever hear about is keep the Mexicans out, keep the Middle Eastern Terrorists out. Yet if you go to New York all you hear is GREEK and ITALIANS. Go to Florida HAITIANS and CUBANS. Go to Utah…MORMONS…oh shit, did I say that? Not to mention there is a shit load of ASIAN population here! Their countries are already over-populated, now they come here to come to another over-populated country that tears down millions of acres of beautiful land to accommodate the amazingly fertile. And YA’LL want to take a Gay's right away to marriage? At least they won't be RECREATING. They be helping kids get out of foster homes and into REAL HOMES! Just because a person likes the same sex as himself, doesn't make him or her a bad parent.

I wonder if in the future America will try to pass a law that gives a Police Officer the right to ask detained if they are homosexuals too! Cause some more racial/sexist profiling while the man deciding our fate gets to Judge us as we roll down our window. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME (plus everyone else)?

People seriously need to make up their mind! First they don’t want the government getting in their PRIVATE lives, then they want to take away someone's AMERICAN RIGHT to freedom. I think I tend to use the word RIDICULOUS a lot while talking about stupid HOMOsapien’s. Ya’ll are RIDICULOUS! How about we just MIND OUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS! Maybe if the President didn't have to deal with all our idiotic requests he could actually get around to HELPING US like a President should be. No wonder Bush was an alcoholic! I would be too!

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